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Ferro Tourn Felman, Tourn, of War’s Blood, King of Vanaheim, Warden of the North, Fenris Reckoning, The Ashen Blood is a Nord of Ferro.



A sullen man. One who stands tall and unshakable. A mountain that refuses to budge to no man. To his peers, he is a man that does not allow himself the pleasures of life. A king that lives only for his people. Who not only bears, but also takes on far more responsibility than any king before him. Yet, despite his often cold and calculating demeanor unusual for a Nord, those that know him truly know that he has the one trait that’s defined the Nords for centuries.

Their ability to care for one another. And those same people that know him so well, will also tell you that no Nord cares as much about their people as Tourn does.


Born the eldest child of Asger, the Unbroken, Tourn lived his early life with the best of studies and training that could be provided for a Nord. These early years of his life were back in an era of civil war within the kingdom. One that lasted roughly 4 years. The reason why this civil war ended so quickly?

Tourn, was that reason. A young Nord, far from true maturity. Yet so skilled and ferocious that none that could stop him on the battlefield. All that stood in his way were cut down before him. From up and coming prodigies, to seasoned warriors, all were fodder to the blood-lusting youth. So much so, that even the boy’s father began to be… weary, of his son.

Often the two would talk, and often the topic of Tourn’s ruthless behavior would come into question. Of course, the young Nord would deny the need for such a conversation by stating off his achievements. The victories won simply because he was there. A fact that was hard for his father to ignore.

Still, Asger would continue to try and steer his heir to a better, more gentle, path. The forever proud King would try to his grave. Where a sickness, a killing chill like no other, would finally take his life. Thus pushing the burden of leadership onto Tourn, who took it with righteous anger steeped deep within himself.


Those first hundred years of ruling, Tourn found himself in his prime. A strong, arrogant leader that would often push the boundaries of peace with the other nations. Seemingly uncaring for them, or their threats of retaliation, altogether.

He was someone that was to be feared. Untrustworthy. A thug disguising himself as Jarl of the Nords. Even his subjects, those that served under him, would often whisper in secret their distaste. An act that would, if caught, be followed by the cruel yet swift action of Tourn.

But then, something happened. On the 100th year of his rule, something changed. It was a fast change. Drastic. So much so that many speculate whether he is even the same man that once ruled them. Suddenly, rules around the land were far less strict. Punishment for crimes far less severe. Tolls, taxes, security, all lightening up. Yet this change was far more apparent to those across the sea.

Gone was the arrogance. The aggression. The look of blood and war within his eyes. His voice no longer held its former venom. He was… quieter. Calm. Collected. But most drastically, patient. When he now spoke, he spoke with his mind. His words are used carefully. The threats and passive-aggressive comments of old were now forgotten.


The reason behind his sudden change of attitude wouldn’t be revealed until the end of the meeting. Where one of his fellow monarchs would come to him, asking about this change before everyone. The Jarl’s eyes would roam the room, scanning the members before them, untrusting. Yet despite that, he sighed. And he shared his reasons.

“I am-was- a man known for his rage. For the unholy amount of blood I had spilled. My feats of strength, of cruelty, known far and wide through this realm. I am capable of skinning even the thickest of hides with ease. Of tearing entire limbs off as if made of cheap wood. I conquered Fenris with but a single blade at my disposal. Yet now, despite knowing what I can do, I restrain myself.”


Some of the monarchs seemed disinterested. Some even bored. Yet there are those that still listened. That still paid attention to his words. They were captivated by this strange change in tone from usually the loud and boisterous man.

“I, am the Jarl of my people. Their ruler. Their leader. Not their tyrant. But more so than that, I now find myself with new responsibility. A responsibility that has made me look back… and regret.”

“I am Tourn, of The Ashen Blood. And I now have a son.”


Of course, this news came as anticlimatic to the monarchs. Many expected something at least a little grand. Nothing as mundane as having a child. They could never understand what it truly meant to someone like Tourn.

Someone who, for all of their life, had taken the lives of others. Someone who had ruined and destroyed those over the slightest excuse.

They could never understand what he felt, what he realized, looking into the innocent eyes of his son for the first time. The beauty in them to a man that had only known ugliness. The joy of… creating, life. Instead of taking it away.


Since that day of birth, nearly 13 years ago, Tourn had worked to make amends to his people. To right the wrongs. Some would never forgive him, no matter what he did to try and appease his sins.

Yet, watching his son grow day by day, he realizes that’s okay. They don’t have to forgive him. For once he’s gone, he’s leaving them in the care of someone far more capable.


As the King of Vanaheim, he has almost every resource that his name can provide. Granted, he limits these uses.

Equipment and Weaponry[]


One of a two-blade set, Jörmun has been enchanted to be able to grow up to three times its normal size, which is taller than most Nords. Making the weapon much heavier, but harder as well. It’s slow growth, taking two turns to reach its maximum size.


The second of the blades, Nioh, is a smaller weapon than what most Nords use. Níoh isn’t an enchanted blade, yet it is made from Adam’s Iron, making it invaluable to a warrior like Tourn. Yet despite its properties, the blade’s small statue when combined with his enchanted sword makes it better served as more of a deflection tool, and for the occasional swipe now and then.


  • Swordsmanship
  • Diplomacy
  • Leadership skills
  • Summoning
  • Unarmed combat.